A popular game transformed to an intricately hand-painted artefact, the Charbagh ludo takes inspiration from the Shalimar garden in Srinagar. Four flowerbeds with iris, poppy, rose and daffodil make up each player’s corner. The center pavilion with fountains was reserved for the royalty in the garden – and so the winner is the person who reaches the center first.
This game is made of saaktha or papier mache and budloo wood or West Himalayan Silver Fir and hand painted by a master papier mache craftsperson or naqashi artist.
All Zaina by CtoK products are handcrafted with love from Kashmir. No two products will be exact replicas as variations are natural to the handcrafting process.
Size:12" x 12"
Care: Wipe with a slightly moist cloth if necessary.
Shipping: The product will be packed and dispatched from our office within 3-4 working days