Embark on an epic adventure with Ni no Kuni II: The Board Game from Steamforged Games, a cooperative kingdom-building experience inspired by the beloved Ni no Kuni video game. In this colourful and fast-paced board game designed for 1-4 players, you'll step into the shoes of brave heroes tasked with rebuilding Evan Tildrum's former kingdom, Ding Dong Dell, which has been usurped by the nefarious Doloran.
As the people of Ding Dong Dell count on you, your mission is clear: build a new home for them in Evermore. Choose from one of four courageous heroes and prepare to face challenges head-on. Embark on quests, battle fearsome monsters, and gather the resources necessary to construct your kingdom. But beware, as your enemies will stop at nothing to thwart your efforts.
Through teamwork and strategic planning, can you win your people's hearts and create a bright future to overcome the encroaching darkness? With its family-friendly gameplay and immersive world inspired by the Ni no Kuni universe, Ni no Kuni II: The Board Game promises an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, camaraderie, and adventure. Will you rise to the challenge and lead Ding Dong Dell to a brighter tomorrow?