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A group of astronauts goes on a rescue mission and lands on a desolate planet to learn the fate of a long-lost scientific vessel. With little over a day to investigate what happened, they discover that the survivors they encountered, and the planet itself, hide horrible secrets, and they have to solve the mystery of The Shadow Planet before everyone there, and everyone in the galaxy, are doomed!

Players have to choose between six different characters and draw the secret goal they want to achieve, deceiving their rivals and controlling the flow of the game through management of different decks. They have to move around to various locations on the planet to gain powerful cards or use special abilities, paying attention to the moves of their opponents, to find out who they really are and what their secret purpose is.

6 Character Miniatures
2 Vehicle Tiles
1 Board
5 Player Sheets
1 Rulebook
75 Character Markers
140+ Cards

Ages: 14+
Players: 3-5
Game Length: 90 minutes