Deep within a dense forest lies a long-forgotten lair, once home to an ancient evil. Now, ominous signs suggest its awakening, and brave adventurers from your village must unite to confront the looming threat. Wakening Lair, a fully cooperative dungeon delve, invites 2-6 players to embark on a perilous journey into the heart of darkness.
Choose from nine heroic character classes, each boasting unique abilities to aid in your quest. With double-sided hero cards offering male and female options, assemble a diverse team of 18 fearless warriors ready to face the challenge ahead.
Explore the labyrinthine depths of the Wakening Lair, braving treacherous traps, battling monstrous creatures, and collecting valuable weapons and magical artifacts. Equip your heroes strategically, honing their skills and preparing for the inevitable clash with the Monstrous Terror lurking within.
Every playthrough of Wakening Lair offers a dynamic experience, with a variety of monsters, hero classes, and Monstrous Terrors ensuring fresh challenges each time. Randomized boss monster awakenings further enhance replayability, promising an immersive RPG experience in a streamlined card game format.
Prepare to embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling encounters, strategic decision-making, and cooperative camaraderie. With its easy-to-learn mechanics and endless possibilities for hero and weapon combinations, Wakening Lair guarantees countless hours of tabletop excitement for adventurers of all skill levels.